Results of the recent Wilkinstown Open....Congratulations to our winners and all who took part. Thanks to WTSC for a well organised event and to all who helped on the day.
Results for the Air Gun match in Wilkinstown 20/08/06

10m Air Pistol 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total

Raval Raj 83 84 79 77 81 89 493
Corballis Chris. 79 79 73 81 77 78 467
Corballis Anthony 66 62 78 66 60 72 404
Fagan Naill 57 62 50 68 69 65 371

10m Air Rifle 60 shot match 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total

Fagan D 96 97 96 96 98 90 573
O'Hagan J 89 88 92 92 94 91 546
Fleming D 90 91 88 91 94 84 538
McFadden S 86 91 88 94 88 86 533
Raval R 84 88 90 88 86 84 520
Byrne J 79 81 81 78 83 79 481
Fagan D (2) 98 99 98 95 97 95 582

10m Air Rifle 40 shot match 1 2 3 4 Total

Cunningham S 98 97 97 95 387

Cunningham P 96 95 97 91 379

Gaffney C 96 91 94 90 371

Lyons E 92 94 92 90 368

Russell C 90 89 95 85 359

O'Hagan E 88 91 85 87 351